Tips for the Busy Bees

How to turn the Personal and the Professional into the Practical

To do list:  

  • 6:00 wakeup 
  • 6:30 Make breakfast for family  
  • 7:30 Take kids to school  
  • 8:00 Go to work 
  • 3:00 Pick kids up from school  
  • 3:30 Drop them off at after school activities  
  • 5:30 Make dinner for family  
  • 7:00 Help kids with homework  
  • 9:00 Put kids to bed  
  • 10:00 Exhaustion! 

Sound familiar?? If the familiarity of this schedule is stressing you out, then you are a BUSY BEE! You are wonder woman, you are superman, you can do it all! what cost? We know that life is hectic, and your schedule is full, but prioritizing your speech therapy is important too. We’ve compiled some tips to help you balance work, life, and Speechagain 

  1. Coffee for Confidence: Try 10 minutes of Speechagain in the morning while you drink your coffee. Incorporating a short practice session into your routine will add up quickly and make a world of difference. Let’s get confident together! 
  1. Lunch and learn: Bring us on your lunch break! Our program is broken up into short and easy-to-use sections. Practicing just one section a day will bring you further on your journey to controlling your speech! 
  1. Dinner discussion: There’s no reason why you should tackle your stuttering journey alone. Not only are we here to support you, but so are your family and friends! Practice your speech at dinner time with your loved ones to test out some real-life scenarios. 
  1. Bored at bedtime: Have trouble falling asleep? Might as well get in some practice before snoozing off! Try Speechagain from the comfort of your own bed. Even just a few minutes before going to sleep can leave you feeling accomplished and empowered. 

A balanced lifestyle is so important. It’s easy to get caught up in the many aspects of our lives, so make sure you take the extra time for self-care that we all need and deserve! We hope these tips help you become your very best self.