An Interview with Naomi Ogoke, The Stutter Girl

Naomi Ogoke is a young adult with a stutter, better known for her social media presence as “The Stutter Girl”. Since September of 2020, she has been inspiring people who stutter all over the world to speak up and share their stories. Through her online community, she shares tips and experiences to bring awareness to the world of stuttering.  

For the longest time, Naomi never even noticed her stutter. She recalls similarities between the way she spoke and the way her father spoke but had never put a label on it. Although she never attended speech therapy, she found her voice through the creation of her very own platform, The Stutter Girl.  

The Stutter Girl

When the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, Naomi found herself on social media more than ever. She started to notice a surge in online communities being created in order to replicate a sense of normalcy. This inspired her to create her own platform where people like herself could have a voice. She then decided to create her own space where she could share her vulnerabilities and connect with others despite physical boundaries.  

The Stutter Girl is global. While the account originated in Nigeria, Naomi has found ways to connect with people across the world, including our very own U.S team at Speechagain. With a virtual community, the possibilities are endless. Naomi hopes that The Stutter Girl can continue to increase awareness and most importantly, help people who stutter speak with confidence. She noted that the reactions from creating this community have been amazing and have allowed her to meet so many people just like herself. 

So, what inspires Naomi to create her content?

The Stutter Girl is based on experiences and research. As a person who stutters, Naomi is able to contribute her own story in order to personalize the platform. Additionally, through the many people she meets, she is able to add the unique perspectives of each person who stutters.  

Although Naomi’s relationship with her stutter has fluctuated, she has found the strength to embrace her doubts and share her story. In doing this, she inspires her hundreds of followers.  

“What you want to say is worth hearing”. 

This is a piece of advice Naomi chooses to emphasize on her channel. In order to instill confidence in others, she wants her followers to know and truly believe that their voice matters 

Thank you, Naomi and the Stutter Girl for embracing individuals who stutter, and providing a safe and supportive space.  

Yes, I stutter

Yes, I stutter and I am so much more. Stuttering may be one part of who you are, but it is not every part. Speechagain recognizes and celebrates the triumphs of people who stutter all over the world. In celebration of the many amazing people who stutter and the even more amazing things they accomplish, we have launched our “Yes, I Stutter ” Campaign.  

Our goal is to empower one another through a sense of community. By embracing the vulnerability of your stutter, you can connect and inspire others all over the world. Our virtual community is limitless! We hope to spread encouragement to others to share their stories and be celebrated 

No victory is too small, and we want to hear them all! Every person has a story. One that is unique, and meaningful. We hope that through this campaign we can empower those stories to be told and appreciated.  

This campaign is ongoing and endless.  

Take a look at some of our community members, and all that they have accomplished. 

“Yes, I stutter and: 

I founded one of the leading stuttering institutes – Alexander  

I started my own small business” – Trang 

I read my wedding vows” – Gary  

I landed my dream job” – Tiana 

I follow my dreams” – Paola  

I gave a big speech” – Kevin  

I love to talk” – Randy  

I’m a speech therapist” – Athanasia  

I am a race car driver” – Keenan 

Do you have a story to share?  

Make sure to tag @speechagain when you post a picture or video telling us what you’ve accomplished, and nominate someone else to spread the message.  

“Yes, I stutter, and I’m using my voice to spread awareness.” 

An interview with Keenan Tully, Nascar hopeful

Every person who stutters has a unique story. One that embodies their own individual struggles, and successes. Recently, we were fortunate enough to connect with Keenan Tully, a 21-year-old race car driver who proves that having a stutter doesn’t need to stop you from pursuing your dreams.  

Keenan’s Story

Keenan first noticed his stutter when he was 4 years old. As he struggled with gaining weight, he found his confidence decreasing and his stutter increasing. As a child he often hid himself from people, not allowing many interactions and limiting conversation. Avoidance became his norm. What conversations he did have were full of adaptations, changing what he was going to say halfway through a sentence to avoid stuttering.  

Suddenly, when Keenan turned 16, his life changed. An offer to race in the U.S. brought opportunity and motivation. Keenan knew that in order to progress his racing career he needed to improve his self-confidence. When someone on the other side of the world noticed his budding potential, Keenan knew he needed to believe in himself too. He made great strides in his physical health. This step was monumental in gaining confidence and beginning to accept himself.  

Now, when thinking about his relationship with his stutter, Keenan notes how important it was for him to accept himself in order to live his life truly to the fullest.  

Keenan’s Advice

To others who struggle with stuttering;

“Try not to hide it. I hid it for a long time, it forced me to stay inside. Embrace it as part of who you are and you can even teach others acceptance.”  

Keenan’s words reign true. Once he began to embrace his stutter, he was able to empower others through sharing his story. In doing so, he has joined a community of people who stutter and advocates all over the world. Here at Speechagain, we are honored to share his story and pass along his message of acceptance. 

Keenan x Speechagain 

For Keenan, the thought of speech therapy was always daunting. His hesitation towards treatment stopped him from ever trying a traditional stuttering therapy. Our recent partnership has allowed Keenan to gain access to the Speechagain program. He has been taking control of his speech on his own terms. He especially loves the modern gamification of the program and admires the fact that he can practice his speech anytime, anywhere. We are so glad to see that Speechagain is positively impacting Keenan and so many others like him.

Speech therapy should be individually tailored towards every unique individual, and with Speechagainit can be.  


Today’s world orbits around a technological center. We buy our groceries online, interview for jobs via video chat, and learn language behind a screen.  Even before COVID-19, our world was slowly but surely uploading to an online base. With all the ways we now “live online” it’s no surprise that the healthcare system is transitioning too.  

So, what is digital health? 

Digital health merges technology with aspects of health, healthcare, and living to modernize and revolutionize the ways in which we take care of ourselves.

It’s clear that our healthcare system already relies on technology in many ways. In an everyday sense, the rise in popularity of wearing a fitness tracker has increased health awareness in terms of sleep and heart rate. These indicators allow us to, in a way, self-diagnose an issue that may have otherwise taken weeks to manifest. As a patient, we have gained innovative ways to make and track appointments all from the comfort of our homes.  

In addition to the casual tech that the everyday person has access to, the advances in complex technologies have opened up a new realm of treatment never before thought possible. Smart inhalers with Bluetooth capability, 3D printing for artificial organs, and robotic surgery may seem like a thing of the futurewhen in fact they are being implemented in patients today. As our world progresses, so has our tech, forcing the healthcare industry to either keep up or get lost in a sea of innovation.  

Digital health offers a contemporary adaptation of an age-old medical practice. Not only is it cost-efficient, but the convenience for both patients and doctors is unmatched. Doctors are able to see many more patients than previously possible, and patients still receive grade A medical care. While some may argue that we lose personal connections with our medical providers, the safety gained by telehealth in the time of a global pandemic clearly outweighs any doubt. In a world of 6-ft seclusion, we hold the moral responsibility to bring mindfulness to every action we take. Any task deemed non-essential is now done remotely, and while the medical field is surely essential, there are aspects that can be transitioned to telehealth.  

Speech therapy as a digital treatment 

Speech therapy is a prime example of an industry that has recently shifted to digital delivery. Through telehealth, speech therapists are able to offer the same support via video as they were in person. Together therapists’ all over the world are partnering with technology to ensure the progression of their client’s success

While teletherapy is an adaptation for most people, Speechagain is based on the ideals of accessibility and innovation. Our already online program offers an affordable and safe option for people who stutterLike many healthcare providers, Speechagain sees the potential in the evolution of the partnership of digitized care. We will continue to provide cutting-edge technology to improve the lives of people who stutter all over the world.