An interview with Delton Harper

Delton Harper is a charismatic husband from Texas who enjoys reading, writing, and music. Oh…and he’s a person who stutters! Recently, we’ve had the chance to chat with Delton (virtually of course) to learn about his experience as a person who stutters.  

Delton noted that his first experience with stuttering wasn’t until he began school. He had never known the term to describe the way he spoke because for him that was just Delton! It’s hard to believe from our chat with this confident young man, but he admitted that he hated his stutter growing up. He described the evolution of his relationship with his stutter and how he has now become so much more secure in himself. It was wonderful to see him speak so confidently about the insecurity that once took a toll on his approach to life. A few years back he reached a turning point in his journey as a PWS. Delton took to Facebook live to confront his stutter head-on. In a bold and inspiring portrayal, he spoke to his family and friends about his journey as a PWS. Through this he was able to tell his story on his own terms, taking back control. 

Deltons advice to the stuttering community inspires confidence and hope. “Stuttering will only be what you allow it to be” he stated. He emphasized the importance of taking back your voice. Delton does not let the way he speaks define the person he is. Through his experience with tackling his stutter, he was able to reach a state of mindfulness. One that allowed him to evaluate his own life in a new way.

We admire Delton for his courage in sharing his story and his passion to continue to raise awareness both inside and out of the stuttering community. Having an open conversation allowed us both to gain more insight while expanding our community. We hope to continue the conversation and further our relationship by listening and learning. Thank you, Delton, for your wonderful perspective!