An interview with Keenan Tully, Nascar hopeful

Every person who stutters has a unique story. One that embodies their own individual struggles, and successes. Recently, we were fortunate enough to connect with Keenan Tully, a 21-year-old race car driver who proves that having a stutter doesn’t need to stop you from pursuing your dreams.  

Keenan’s Story

Keenan first noticed his stutter when he was 4 years old. As he struggled with gaining weight, he found his confidence decreasing and his stutter increasing. As a child he often hid himself from people, not allowing many interactions and limiting conversation. Avoidance became his norm. What conversations he did have were full of adaptations, changing what he was going to say halfway through a sentence to avoid stuttering.  

Suddenly, when Keenan turned 16, his life changed. An offer to race in the U.S. brought opportunity and motivation. Keenan knew that in order to progress his racing career he needed to improve his self-confidence. When someone on the other side of the world noticed his budding potential, Keenan knew he needed to believe in himself too. He made great strides in his physical health. This step was monumental in gaining confidence and beginning to accept himself.  

Now, when thinking about his relationship with his stutter, Keenan notes how important it was for him to accept himself in order to live his life truly to the fullest.  

Keenan’s Advice

To others who struggle with stuttering;

“Try not to hide it. I hid it for a long time, it forced me to stay inside. Embrace it as part of who you are and you can even teach others acceptance.”  

Keenan’s words reign true. Once he began to embrace his stutter, he was able to empower others through sharing his story. In doing so, he has joined a community of people who stutter and advocates all over the world. Here at Speechagain, we are honored to share his story and pass along his message of acceptance. 

Keenan x Speechagain 

For Keenan, the thought of speech therapy was always daunting. His hesitation towards treatment stopped him from ever trying a traditional stuttering therapy. Our recent partnership has allowed Keenan to gain access to the Speechagain program. He has been taking control of his speech on his own terms. He especially loves the modern gamification of the program and admires the fact that he can practice his speech anytime, anywhere. We are so glad to see that Speechagain is positively impacting Keenan and so many others like him.

Speech therapy should be individually tailored towards every unique individual, and with Speechagainit can be.