An Interview with Naomi Ogoke, The Stutter Girl

Naomi Ogoke is a young adult with a stutter, better known for her social media presence as “The Stutter Girl”. Since September of 2020, she has been inspiring people who stutter all over the world to speak up and share their stories. Through her online community, she shares tips and experiences to bring awareness to the world of stuttering.  

For the longest time, Naomi never even noticed her stutter. She recalls similarities between the way she spoke and the way her father spoke but had never put a label on it. Although she never attended speech therapy, she found her voice through the creation of her very own platform, The Stutter Girl.  

The Stutter Girl

When the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, Naomi found herself on social media more than ever. She started to notice a surge in online communities being created in order to replicate a sense of normalcy. This inspired her to create her own platform where people like herself could have a voice. She then decided to create her own space where she could share her vulnerabilities and connect with others despite physical boundaries.  

The Stutter Girl is global. While the account originated in Nigeria, Naomi has found ways to connect with people across the world, including our very own U.S team at Speechagain. With a virtual community, the possibilities are endless. Naomi hopes that The Stutter Girl can continue to increase awareness and most importantly, help people who stutter speak with confidence. She noted that the reactions from creating this community have been amazing and have allowed her to meet so many people just like herself. 

So, what inspires Naomi to create her content?

The Stutter Girl is based on experiences and research. As a person who stutters, Naomi is able to contribute her own story in order to personalize the platform. Additionally, through the many people she meets, she is able to add the unique perspectives of each person who stutters.  

Although Naomi’s relationship with her stutter has fluctuated, she has found the strength to embrace her doubts and share her story. In doing this, she inspires her hundreds of followers.  

“What you want to say is worth hearing”. 

This is a piece of advice Naomi chooses to emphasize on her channel. In order to instill confidence in others, she wants her followers to know and truly believe that their voice matters 

Thank you, Naomi and the Stutter Girl for embracing individuals who stutter, and providing a safe and supportive space.  

Yes, I stutter

Yes, I stutter and I am so much more. Stuttering may be one part of who you are, but it is not every part. Speechagain recognizes and celebrates the triumphs of people who stutter all over the world. In celebration of the many amazing people who stutter and the even more amazing things they accomplish, we have launched our “Yes, I Stutter ” Campaign.  

Our goal is to empower one another through a sense of community. By embracing the vulnerability of your stutter, you can connect and inspire others all over the world. Our virtual community is limitless! We hope to spread encouragement to others to share their stories and be celebrated 

No victory is too small, and we want to hear them all! Every person has a story. One that is unique, and meaningful. We hope that through this campaign we can empower those stories to be told and appreciated.  

This campaign is ongoing and endless.  

Take a look at some of our community members, and all that they have accomplished. 

“Yes, I stutter and: 

I founded one of the leading stuttering institutes – Alexander  

I started my own small business” – Trang 

I read my wedding vows” – Gary  

I landed my dream job” – Tiana 

I follow my dreams” – Paola  

I gave a big speech” – Kevin  

I love to talk” – Randy  

I’m a speech therapist” – Athanasia  

I am a race car driver” – Keenan 

Do you have a story to share?  

Make sure to tag @speechagain when you post a picture or video telling us what you’ve accomplished, and nominate someone else to spread the message.  

“Yes, I stutter, and I’m using my voice to spread awareness.” 

An Interview with Jeff Nelson from Fluent Rolls

The stuttering community is many things; innovative, welcoming, and supportive to name a few. In this community there are many people who are impacting lives daily, changing the mindsets of so many who stutter, and inspiring those who want to learn more. Recently, we were inspired by Jeff Nelson, a man who is breaking down stuttering barriers through the art of JiuJitsu on his platform “Fluent Rolls” 

Jiu-Jitsu is a form of martial arts that combines combat, discipline, and skill.  

Who is Jeff Nelson? 

Jeff Nelson is a New England native. Growing up, his stutter dominated many aspects of his life. He was bullied through many years of schooling, which ultimately led him to close himself off to many people and things around him. He remembers his childhood confidence as practically nonexistent. That is until he found Jiu-Jitsu.  

When Jeff hit his mid 20’s he found his passion. As a college rugby player, he was always active. Yet he never felt truly connected to any sports that he played. Since he was always interested in martial arts, he decided to try Jiu-Jitsu, and he never looked back.  

“It was the island of misfit toys that I was always looking for. It brought together people from all income levels, races, and religions.”  

JiuJitsu became his sanctuary. Jeff’s life started to revolve around the sport. He began competing all over the world, traveling to Iceland, the Dominican Republic, and Brazil. With each trip, he found new opportunities, meeting new people, and gaining new experiences.  

Although he was hesitant at first, he started coaching children, and it soon became a life-changing experience. Jeff connected with each child, realizing that he could truly impact their lives for the better. From that idea, Fluent rolls was born.  

What is Fluent Rolls? 

Fluent rolls is a community. The platform is meant to help kids and teens with stutters gain confidence through the practice of Jiu-Jitsu.  

Jeff wanted to combine the avenue he found of self-improvement with his own childhood experience to create a place for kids who are going through what he went through. He aims to show that anyone can build confidence.  

What are the future plans for this community?  

Jeff has big plans for the fluent rolls community. He dreams of one day opening his own school where he can combine his passion for Jiu-Jitsu to help his community. He imagines holding an annual open mat for people who stutter to participate in and where all proceeds can be donated to a prominent stuttering organization. His selfless demeanor even dreams of creating his own nonprofit, and building a network of Fluent Rolls affiliated schools all over the country. 

“Find something to define yourself by that’s not your stutter.”  

His advice is powerful and true. Without his stutter he wouldn’t have met the amazing people he did, travel to the unique places he went, obe the person that he is. While his stutter has certainly impacted his life, Jeff Nelson is much more than a person who stutters. He is an advocate, an inspiration, and a big dreamer. We feel fortunate to share his story and cannot wait to see the progression of the Fluent Rolls community.  

An interview with Delton Harper

Delton Harper is a charismatic husband from Texas who enjoys reading, writing, and music. Oh…and he’s a person who stutters! Recently, we’ve had the chance to chat with Delton (virtually of course) to learn about his experience as a person who stutters.  

Delton noted that his first experience with stuttering wasn’t until he began school. He had never known the term to describe the way he spoke because for him that was just Delton! It’s hard to believe from our chat with this confident young man, but he admitted that he hated his stutter growing up. He described the evolution of his relationship with his stutter and how he has now become so much more secure in himself. It was wonderful to see him speak so confidently about the insecurity that once took a toll on his approach to life. A few years back he reached a turning point in his journey as a PWS. Delton took to Facebook live to confront his stutter head-on. In a bold and inspiring portrayal, he spoke to his family and friends about his journey as a PWS. Through this he was able to tell his story on his own terms, taking back control. 

Deltons advice to the stuttering community inspires confidence and hope. “Stuttering will only be what you allow it to be” he stated. He emphasized the importance of taking back your voice. Delton does not let the way he speaks define the person he is. Through his experience with tackling his stutter, he was able to reach a state of mindfulness. One that allowed him to evaluate his own life in a new way.

We admire Delton for his courage in sharing his story and his passion to continue to raise awareness both inside and out of the stuttering community. Having an open conversation allowed us both to gain more insight while expanding our community. We hope to continue the conversation and further our relationship by listening and learning. Thank you, Delton, for your wonderful perspective!