Speechagain Academy

Speechagain Academy is a place for people who stutter and professionals in the speech and language field to collaborate, discuss, and have fun! Here you’ll find information about events, podcasts, and other topics that bring our community together.


Welcome to the Academy, you’re officially enrolled!

Collaboration is a key factor to our success here at Speechagain. Our community is full of bright minds who love to teach, learn, and share! Speechagain Academy encompasses the positive fostering of curiosity in order to amplify voices of those who stutter. Our academy’s goal is to work together to destigmatize stuttering therapy. Looking to join us? Keep reading to find details on all the ways you can get involved!


Are you a licensed SLP? Great, we’d love to have you here at Speechagain. Together we partner with SLP’s all over the country to bring Speechagain to anyone and everyone. Whether you specialize in fluency, or need a refresher on the basics, we’ve got you covered. In addition to joining the team, you’ll have access to all of our roundtable discussions, newsletters, blog posts, and more. Send us an email, we’d love to connect and get you set up with Speechagain!


If you stutter, then Speechagain is the tool for you! Our program is accessible, affordable, and effective. Stuttering may feel like a bump in the road to your success, but Speechagain can help you achieve your goals! Our personalized plan offers the flexibility to complete the program on your own time, allowing you the freedom to succeed. Sign up for your free trial to see if Speechagain is right for you. We can’t wait for your unique voice to join our community. So… what are you waiting for?!

SLP Student

Studying to become an SLP? That’s awesome, you’ve got an exciting and rewarding career ahead of you. Speechagain offers the chance for aspiring SLPs to learn about stuttering therapy. Our blog posts, interactive discussions, and mini training tools give students the opportunity to become educated and involved in the stuttering community. “Communication sciences” can be broad and intimidating, so we’ve designed our discussions to be accessible and educational for everyone. We hope you’ll join us for our next session…let’s learn together!


Do you know someone who stutters? Then you’re in the right place! Anyone is welcome in our community, regardless of whether or not you personally have a communication disorder. One of the easiest ways to support stuttering in your community starts with education! Keeping up with our blog posts and newsletters is a simple way to learn about stuttering both inside and outside your community. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date. We’re so glad you’re here!