How to Stay Connected While Social Distancing

In the age of social distancing, we are all trying to virtually stay connected and keep ourselves on track.

We’re quarantined at our own homes but staying in touch with others and ourselves is more important than ever. If you’re looking for a little inspiration on how to “stay on track,” with your goals and daily routines, check out our tips.

Video Chat:

-Don’t forget that video calls are not restricted to your daily work meetings. Schedule time out for a facetime with friends or family. It can be easy as picking one day each week that you all “get together”.

-There are friends, family, work…and don’t forget about speech therapy! Most speech therapists are using this time to either begin or continue to use teletherapy. Speechagain has partnered with Meetfox to provide free video services for SLPs for the next two months. Simply use code “speechagain2020” when signing up!

-Speechagain! Hi, it’s us! Don’t forget that our users can schedule one-on-one calls with our speech therapists, providing free speech services as you exercise with our program.

Stay Active:

-As you facetime your friends and family, you don’t have to just sit and talk! Get moving! Some ideas include playing games with each other through video calls, having a family member lead a cooking class of their favorite recipe, or even weekly happy hours!

-Keep practicing. If you were practicing your speech skills during social situations before, why stop? Continue to chat on the phone with others. Continue to call restaurants to order take out (support local!). Have your friends/family host “mock” social scenarios for you to practice, such as job interviews. Play trivia! Get creative!

-Again, we’re here for you! Reach out to us! Our speech therapists are happy to help and run through any exercise situations you may find helpful.

Get Outside:

-Of course, while staying 6 feet away from others, the outdoors is a great way to get up and moving. Not only does some Vitamin D boost your mood and energy, but even a wave from a stranger walking across the street is a great way to show kindness!

-Exercises outside. Take walks, go for a jog, or even practice yoga on your porch.

-Train your speech outside! Speech therapy does not have to only take place inside! The outdoors are fairly quiet at the moment, so use this to your advantage. Whether you’re video chatting with a therapist or using the Speechagain program, this could all be done while sitting in the sun.

Set Goals:

-If you set daily or weekly goals for yourself before, why stop now? Some examples could be walking 3 miles a day, drinking 3 liters of water, or meditating for five minutes each morning.

-Hold each other accountable. Setting challenges with friends or family is always motivating. Decide on a daily challenge to do and send pictures/updates throughout the day to hold yourself accountable and keep others motivated. These can be speech related, or really anything!

-Don’t overwork. This is important. With more time inside, it’s amazing that people are becoming more productive! Be careful not to overstimulate yourself though. Remember, it’s still okay to have “rest days”.