
Today’s world orbits around a technological center. We buy our groceries online, interview for jobs via video chat, and learn language behind a screen.  Even before COVID-19, our world was slowly but surely uploading to an online base. With all the ways we now “live online” it’s no surprise that the healthcare system is transitioning too.  

So, what is digital health? 

Digital health merges technology with aspects of health, healthcare, and living to modernize and revolutionize the ways in which we take care of ourselves.

It’s clear that our healthcare system already relies on technology in many ways. In an everyday sense, the rise in popularity of wearing a fitness tracker has increased health awareness in terms of sleep and heart rate. These indicators allow us to, in a way, self-diagnose an issue that may have otherwise taken weeks to manifest. As a patient, we have gained innovative ways to make and track appointments all from the comfort of our homes.  

In addition to the casual tech that the everyday person has access to, the advances in complex technologies have opened up a new realm of treatment never before thought possible. Smart inhalers with Bluetooth capability, 3D printing for artificial organs, and robotic surgery may seem like a thing of the futurewhen in fact they are being implemented in patients today. As our world progresses, so has our tech, forcing the healthcare industry to either keep up or get lost in a sea of innovation.  

Digital health offers a contemporary adaptation of an age-old medical practice. Not only is it cost-efficient, but the convenience for both patients and doctors is unmatched. Doctors are able to see many more patients than previously possible, and patients still receive grade A medical care. While some may argue that we lose personal connections with our medical providers, the safety gained by telehealth in the time of a global pandemic clearly outweighs any doubt. In a world of 6-ft seclusion, we hold the moral responsibility to bring mindfulness to every action we take. Any task deemed non-essential is now done remotely, and while the medical field is surely essential, there are aspects that can be transitioned to telehealth.  

Speech therapy as a digital treatment 

Speech therapy is a prime example of an industry that has recently shifted to digital delivery. Through telehealth, speech therapists are able to offer the same support via video as they were in person. Together therapists’ all over the world are partnering with technology to ensure the progression of their client’s success

While teletherapy is an adaptation for most people, Speechagain is based on the ideals of accessibility and innovation. Our already online program offers an affordable and safe option for people who stutterLike many healthcare providers, Speechagain sees the potential in the evolution of the partnership of digitized care. We will continue to provide cutting-edge technology to improve the lives of people who stutter all over the world.  

An Interview with Harrison Craig

Speechagain Interview with Harrison Craig


Speechagain is thrilled to partner with the talented and inspiring Harrison Craigwho collaborated with us to create our first-ever commercialIt was a wonderful experience that allowed us to expand our product with the help of a prominent advocate in the stuttering community. Check out the final commercial here, and keep reading to learn about Harrison and all the wonderful ways he is positively impacting the stuttering community! 

Harrison Craig originally made his mark as The Voice Australia Winner and since that time has achieved two #1 ARIA Albums (one of which went platinum). He also completed a memorable and successful 54 show tour circuit of his ‘Kings of Vegas’ project, international performances in Canada, Indonesia, and the USAand has had the unique experience of working with the likes of Seal, David Foster, Baz Luhrmann, Diane Warren, Barry Gibb (The Bee Gees) and Olivia Newton-John. Having grown up with a stutter, Harrison’s passion for inspiring others doesn’t stop. In addition to his singing career, he has also just written and released his first children’s book titled ‘Harrison’s Song’ (which is in the Dolly Parton Imagination Library collection). He continues to tour Australia and other parts of the world to speak to students, teachers, and parents alike about chasing your dreams, explaining that no matter what your obstacle is, you can overcome that and Live. Your. Dream.  

We were fortunate enough to sit and chat with Harrison regarding his journey as a musician, author, and PWS. His answers inspired us and we know they’ll inspire you too!  

Q: How do you feel about your stutter?  

A: “My stutter is part of who I am. It has been a challenge but also a motivator to overcome and to do what I can to communicate and connect with people – particularly through song. Above all else, though it has taught me that no matter what the hurdle or challenge is, you can overcome it. Before I went on to win The Voice, people told me I shouldn’t go on it – but I wasn’t about to let the way I speak dictate whether or not I should follow my passions.”  

Q: How did you discover your passion for singing?  

A: “From a very young age, singing was my escape, a place I could express myself without fears of stumbling through my words.” 

Q: How has stuttering influenced your singing?  

A: “Having a stutter is like having an invisible wall between me and the world. Experiences like winning the Voice Australia showed me that through singing I could break down that wall and connect with the world.” 

Q: What’s it like telling your story through your children’s book “Harrison’s song?”  

A: “It is so powerful to read and explain my own story of growing up with a stutter to children around the world. It is something I like to share and encourage children to understand that no matter their hurdle or challenge, you can still live your dream!” 

Q: What has your experience been with speech therapy in the past?  

A: “Very positive – although the downside is you always need to be with the speech therapist to receive feedback and continue remodeling your speech patterns.” 

Q: Why an online stuttering therapy?  

A: “The world is online today – and therapy is modernizing as well. Speechagain offers a unique and friendly way to practice and remodel your speech so you can feel confident speaking to others on a daily basis. It is the kind of tool I wish existed when I was a young child!” 

Q: What would you say to people using Speechagain for the first time?  

A: “Trust in the fact that you can master your speech. Proven methods for slowing and controlling your speech really do work – you must be prepared to work hard and drive yourself to reach your goal of smooth speech. Only you have the power to make smooth speech a part of your everyday…” 

We are so grateful to be working with Harrison and his team to continue raising awareness for stuttering and empowering others! All that’s left to do is sit back and watch, as Harrison takes the world by storm with his music, storytelling, and inspiring advocacy for all people who stutter! 

An Interview with Kitch, East London Rapper

The stuttering community is full of wonderfully unique individuals, all with their own story and relationship to their stutter. We were lucky enough to speak with Kitch, a rapper from East London to learn about how both his music and his stutter have impacted the person he is today.  

Finding Music:

As a longtime music lover, Kitch recalled how he used to constantly rap along to his favorite songs growing up. Although he was incredibly passionate, he notes this time as a “false dream”, feeling that his stutter would stop him from pursuing music seriously. When a tough time in his life led to his removal from school, Kitch turned to music as his savior. He spent countless hours writing, practicing and recording rhymes, with the thought that no one would ever hear them. Little did he know that this would become a major turning point in his journey as a musician and a person who stutters. As he practiced, he noticed a decrease in the frequency of his stutter.  “If it was memorized and on the beat, I would use the rhythm to help me through it”. His innovative technique improved his fluency as well as his confidence.  

Becoming an Advocate:

Kitch’s relationship with his stutter developed drastically. What was once a shy young boy who hesitated to answer questions in the classroom was now a prominent advocate in the stuttering community. Kitch used his platform to inspire others to conquer their insecurities, whatever they may be. He spent time traveling to schoolsspeaking at assemblies, and giving workshops. He describes this experience as huge shock because public speaking was once a trigger for his anxietyHe realized that he could make a difference for children regardless of whether they had a speech impediment. “Even students who don’t have a stammer but might have something else that’s holding them back have been able to use me as an “underdog”. It’s not only about the stammer, it’s more than that. It’s about the drive, and the motivation, and I feel as if it really has made a difference.” 

We were inspired by Kitch’s words and we’re sure you are too. Music became a therapeutic form of self-expression that helped him conquer his fears and achieve his goals. He emphasized the importance of dedication and hard work as he knows firsthand how difficult it can be.  In addition to his interview, Kitch will also be a speaker at our next roundtable event on August 27th from 6-7:30 EST. We feel honored to hear his story and hope to continue working together to raise awareness for the stuttering community.  

Make sure to check out some of his music to see how Kitch is leaving his mark on the world!

Tips for the Busy Bees

How to turn the Personal and the Professional into the Practical

To do list:  

  • 6:00 wakeup 
  • 6:30 Make breakfast for family  
  • 7:30 Take kids to school  
  • 8:00 Go to work 
  • 3:00 Pick kids up from school  
  • 3:30 Drop them off at after school activities  
  • 5:30 Make dinner for family  
  • 7:00 Help kids with homework  
  • 9:00 Put kids to bed  
  • 10:00 Exhaustion! 

Sound familiar?? If the familiarity of this schedule is stressing you out, then you are a BUSY BEE! You are wonder woman, you are superman, you can do it all! But...at what cost? We know that life is hectic, and your schedule is full, but prioritizing your speech therapy is important too. We’ve compiled some tips to help you balance work, life, and Speechagain 

  1. Coffee for Confidence: Try 10 minutes of Speechagain in the morning while you drink your coffee. Incorporating a short practice session into your routine will add up quickly and make a world of difference. Let’s get confident together! 
  1. Lunch and learn: Bring us on your lunch break! Our program is broken up into short and easy-to-use sections. Practicing just one section a day will bring you further on your journey to controlling your speech! 
  1. Dinner discussion: There’s no reason why you should tackle your stuttering journey alone. Not only are we here to support you, but so are your family and friends! Practice your speech at dinner time with your loved ones to test out some real-life scenarios. 
  1. Bored at bedtime: Have trouble falling asleep? Might as well get in some practice before snoozing off! Try Speechagain from the comfort of your own bed. Even just a few minutes before going to sleep can leave you feeling accomplished and empowered. 

A balanced lifestyle is so important. It’s easy to get caught up in the many aspects of our lives, so make sure you take the extra time for self-care that we all need and deserve! We hope these tips help you become your very best self.